Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My Thoughts

I just can't seem to get my thoughts together now that I'm pregnant...does anyone else get this way during pregnancy? I am very disorganized, can't think, can't spell (I'm not the greatest at spelling as is so you can imagine how bad it gets). When I first started the blog I had so many things to write and say, now I can't remember ANYTHING!!! I hope it gets a little better in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. So, I'm sorry that I have been so inconsistent.


  1. Don't apologize for getting a little loopy in that first trimester. But, at the same time, maybe try keeping a 'word' file going with blog ideas, so that when you sit down to write you can pull it up and remember what it was you wanted to say! (Found you on MMB; and I love the picture on your page)

  2. I completely understand. I wish I could tell you it went away, but I had a hard time concentrating and was even absent-minded my whole pregnancy. I am convinced that not all of it ever came back and my youngest is 6!

  3. I am going through the same thing with this pregnancy. It feels like I can't keep a thought for longer than a few minutes. (I found you on MMB :-D)

  4. I was totally out of it during my pregnancy and couldn't remember anything either. Even now that he is 3 months old i am still the same way. I can't seem to concentrate and focus on anything these days.
